What Most People Want in a Log Cabin

So, you are thinking about building a log cabin. You have made a list of what other people like about theirs and you are adding the features you want. Most people desire the rustic feel they can experience and a cabin made from sustainable materials. They also want affordability, ease of construction, and the right location for their needs.

With enough thoughtful planning, you can have all five of the most desired features. After all, it may be your home for a long time, and one day sell it for top market price. Choose from among several leading contractors the one you feel most comfortable with. You can order some of your building materials to save money. Select the best time of the year to start your cabin’s build and schedule it. Now, on to what most people want in a log cabin.

Log Cabin Features: The Rustic Feel

The number one reason most people want a log cabin is for its rustic atmosphere and feel. Living in a log cabin or home is just different than a conventional home or apartment. Surveys show what a rustic feel means to them:

  • You feel cozier and more relaxed
  • We can connect more with nature
  • Time seems to slow down a bit
  • Log siding and logs reduce noise levels
  • Some people say they feel healthier
  • Log cabins just feel safer from the elements

Log cabins also connect us to our past, the open concept is standard, and they are solidly built. The décor options are limitless so you can create more of a rustic feel. Living in a log cabin feels like every day is a vacation day

Sustainable Materials Are Desirable

Some natural resources are becoming scarcer each year. You can be part of the group that helps our planet by using sustainable building materials like pine trees. Pine trees are grown on federally regulated farms where they are replanted for future generations. Pine is used for:

  • Log siding and logs
  • Corner systems
  • Log trim
  • Peeled logs
  • Beams and rafters
  • Stairways

Other popular uses include flooring, doors, kitchen cabinetry, bathroom cabinetry, kitchen islands, and beverage bars. Pine is a strong, durable, lightweight wood that is easy to work.

“Most people desire the rustic feel they can experience and a cabin made from sustainable materials. They also want affordability, ease of construction, and the right location for their needs.

Affordability Is the Key Factor

Price is usually the first thing we think about when building a cabin or home. How much can you afford for construction, furnishings, and amenities? Compared to a full log or brick cabin, new log siding cabins are affordable. You can even convert your current cabin into a log cabin with the right kind of preparation.

New log siding cabins provide the full log look inside and outside at a much lower cost than full logs. You will also enjoy these benefits, some of which are not apparent:

  • Labor savings because there is less overall work
  • No crane or crane operator to pay for
  • No expensive specialized builders
  • Siding is attached to conventional framing
  • Lower long-term maintenance costs

If you want to save money on a log cabin, go with pine siding, trims, and corner systems.

Log Cabin Features: Ease of Construction

Most people want a log cabin that is as easy to build as possible without waiting a long time for its construction. These log siding cabin elements are worth considering:

  • Full log cabin construction can take longer than expected with weather delays
  • Long and heavy longs must be lifted into place with a crane that can be slow go
  • It can take longer to schedule full log cabin builders
  • Many log cabins are custom-built that delays construction

The beauty of building with pine log siding is that traditional carpenters can erect the framing and build the roof, and you can over come the objections above. They can also install the siding with galvanized screws directly to the wall framing. The tongue and groove siding with the end-matching design is virtually a zero-waste product. You also save a lot of time measuring and sawing the boards.

The Right Location

Retailers want the right location for a new store for all its advantages. Log cabin owners also want the right location for their wants and needs. They want their cabin in the right place to enjoy the happiness it can bring.

Most people want to locate their cabin near a lake, river, in the hills or mountains, or in the pleasant countryside. Some prefer a suburb or homeowners association if the zoning laws allow it. Location is one of those decisions that are permanent. Take the time to make the right choice for now and the future.

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